Driving to Todos Santos - Todos Santos is located 975 miles south of the border at San Diego via Mexico Highway 1 - a well-paved and maintained two-lane highway. Todos Santos is also located 75 miles north of Cabo San Lucas. |
Getting to Todos Santos by Air - Todos Santos can be reached by flying into Cabo San Lucas international airport SJD, then driving north 50 miles to Todos Santos or you can fly into La Paz international airport Marquez de Leon International Airport (LAP) and rent a car and drive 48 miles to Todos Santos. Both airports in La Paz and Cabo San Lucas are served by most major airlines including Alaska Airlines, Delta Air, AeroMexico and Aero California. Delta offers nonstop service from Los Angeles to La Paz and Cabo. |
Bus to Todos Santos - Buses are available on both sides of the Tijuana border. On the U.S. side, the Greyhound Bus Terminal and Mexicoach are located on the east side of Interstate 5, about 100 feet from the Mexican border. Take a Greyhound to the central bus terminal in Tijuana. Go to the ABC/Aguila bus company and get a ticket to Todos Santos. ABC Bus - TEL: (664) 621 24 24 - www.abc.com.mx. If you fly into Cabo or La Paz there are daily buses to Todos Santos for under $10. |
Getting to Todos Santos by Ferry - Ferry service from Mexico's mainland to and from La Paz to the port cities of Mazatlan and Los Mochis (to Topolobambo) is available for passengers as well as automobiles, when it is in service. Always call first to confirm that the ferry is running as it sometimes closed down for years at a time. Ferry times vary from 3-18 hours, depending on which service is used. There is a bar and restaurant as well as cabins for private rooms. Telephone 011-52 (622) 2-3390. For current information go to www.bajaferries.com |